4 shows I watch:
1. Grey's
2. Private Practice
3. Bones
4. Victorian Farm
4 things I’m passionate about:
1. Creating. It doesn't really matter what the medium is.
2. Chocolate, Cheese, and Bread. The three evils. But don't get me wrong...they have to be great. I don't like the crappy variety of any of them.
3. Learning
4. My Family
4 phrases I say a lot:
1. 'I think my head is going to explode!"
2. to myself '1...2...3...4...5...6..7...8...9...10...ok what do you want'
3. 'Do you need grumpy mommy to come out?'
4. 'You are not hungry Ezra!'
4 things I have learned (YET STILL DO) from the past:
1.That if you go to bed with a dirty kitchen your next day is going to be playing catch up. All day long.
2. If I indulge my Chocolate problem I will always regret doing it the next day. Guilt sucks.
3. Having a 'day off' makes the next day the worst day of the week. It's just not worth the day off.
4. A Sale doesn't mean that you aren't spending the money. It just means you are spending less...and did you really need that?
4 places I’d like to go:
1. Italy
3. New York
4. North Carolina again. this time with more money and time and not 30 weeks pregnant!
4 things I did yesterday:
1. Laundry
2. Dishes
3. Bathed the kidlets
4. Took a shower, did the hair and makeup...pretty damn proud of that one!
4 things I look forward to:
1. Totally redoing the house. Top. To. Bottom.
2. Seeing the people my kids turn into.
3. becoming self-sufficient
4. getting a garden...finally. I have not had a garden as a married person yet!
4 things I love about winter:
1. I like the snow on a sunny day.
2. Making touques
3. Hot chocolate, really good hot chocolate. In our house there is the normal hot chocolate and then there is mommy's.
4. Sweaters.
1. Italy
3. New York
4. North Carolina again. this time with more money and time and not 30 weeks pregnant!
4 things I did yesterday:
1. Laundry
2. Dishes
3. Bathed the kidlets
4. Took a shower, did the hair and makeup...pretty damn proud of that one!
4 things I look forward to:
1. Totally redoing the house. Top. To. Bottom.
2. Seeing the people my kids turn into.
3. becoming self-sufficient
4. getting a garden...finally. I have not had a garden as a married person yet!
4 things I love about winter:
1. I like the snow on a sunny day.
2. Making touques
3. Hot chocolate, really good hot chocolate. In our house there is the normal hot chocolate and then there is mommy's.
4. Sweaters.
4 things on my wish list:
1. a cow
2. to have all red appliances. I really do mean All
3. A heated dog building...so the 9 dogs in my house can get out.
4. hardwood flooring

1. a cow
2. to have all red appliances. I really do mean All
3. A heated dog building...so the 9 dogs in my house can get out.
4. hardwood flooring